Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Oct 28, 20203 min read
EARLY this morning I had a mind twisting dream. I was a cranky Professor alienated in the time of the plague. My mask wearing students stare

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Aug 11, 20205 min read
You Can't Go Home Again, Parts 1 & 2
Part One Crash. The statue of Robert E. Lee comes tumbling down. Sir Donald says “NO MORE! I’ll protect our history from mobs of ultra...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Aug 3, 20203 min read
You Can't Go Home Again, Part 3
John Lewis gave us more than his body. He gave his soul. As a late teen, around 1960, from the small town of Troy, Alabama, Lewis decided...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Jan 20, 20201 min read
On Martin Luther King Day, 2020
Martin Luther King day. The news clips I see show portions of his prophetic 'I have a Dream' speech, and make him out to be a saint. I...

Jeff Nightbyrd Shero
Sep 3, 20193 min read
Rat Files: Looking Back at Woodstock
WITH ABBIE HOFFMAN — BECOMING PIRATES FOR WOODSTOCK Woodstock was the buzz. At RAT we were getting calls from underground papers around...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Sep 4, 20175 min read
The RAT File: Kurt Vonnegut
The RAT office nested among the still Jewish and Ukrainian tenements of East 4th street. A rumpled man tentatively opened the door. At...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero / Photo: JR Compton
Aug 31, 20172 min read
Second of two stories on Austin Music critic Margaret Moser. Margaret Moser certainly had a good run and she taught us all something...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Jun 4, 20173 min read
Ahhh Havana – a Snapshot
An old but central water pipe sprang a leak. The water department dug up the 100 year old line to replace the section but the adjoining...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Mar 16, 20174 min read
Fukushima: Dangerous to You
This week Fukushima Power plant has become the worst nuclear disaster in the history of the earth, a fact ignored by the establishment...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Feb 10, 20172 min read
The Best Two Weeks of My Life
It’s been the best two weeks of my life. Well, almost. …at least the best in quite a while. I found a bounce in my step and a real zest...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Nov 28, 20163 min read
Standing Up for Standing Rock
My assistant, Aleisha, asked suddenly, “Can I take off a day early? I have a chance to drive to Standing Rock with my friend.” The answer...

Jeff Nightbyrd Shero
Oct 13, 20162 min read
KUSAMA, Art and the Holes In the Universe
Kusama would bounce into the 1960s RAT office in New York with a mixture of timidity and bravado. She was years from being famous, but...

Jeff Nightbyrd Shero
Oct 12, 20162 min read
The Bodhisattva at the Saxon Pub
Friends sometimes want me to see bands, likely because at one time I wrote music crap in New York and LA …very much yesterday’s news....