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In the immortal words of James BigBoy Medlin ...


"Why Not?"

We are the former staff members (along with some friends & contributors) of the original Austin Sun 

newspaper (R.I.P. 1978). We were a group of young odd-balls, truck drivers, college drop-outs, musicians, struggling artists and veterans of both the Vietnam war and the war against the war. Amazingly, most all of us went on to life-long careers in the arts and/or journalism. Making the Sun was an experience that none of us has forgotten (or in a few cases, forgiven). Looking back, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to discover our artistic voices and, at the same time, to celebrate the city we all loved. The "rebirth" of the Sun  began in a conversation between BigBoy Medlin, Bill Bentley and Dan Hubig. An idea emerged ...  why not create an outlet for some of our current projects as well as any incomplete, oddball or just hard-to-categorize visions? Why not have a rebirth of the old Austin Sun. Indeed, Why Not ?? And while we're at it, why not try to rekindle some of our youthful idealism and create a publication based on vision rather than commerce.


So, we invite you to join us, dear reader, in this endeavor. If you have ideas, complaints or huzzahs 

please use the Comments link above to send them to us. Thank you.

  To arrive where we began & know it for the first time  

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