My wife tells me the latest:
A doctor and lawyer with two small children are getting divorced.
A recently-retired man faces aggressive dementia.
A 59-year-old woman falls to her death at a local adventure park.
I have no stories for my wife, only photos to share:
A young woman sits at a train station.
Bright orange workmen surround a backhoe.
A bridge spans the Hackensack River.
How is it that the world,
so in need of prayer,
is also sublime?
Photo shot from a moving train at 1/3 of a second along the Northeast Corridor in New Jersey.
Photograph and prayer 2016 © Danny N. Schweers
Danny N. Schweers teaches photo classes at the Delaware Museum of Art, is a member in the Washington
Printmakers Gallery in D.C., and is president of the Brandywine Photo Collective.
He was a staff member of the original Austin Sun.