Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Jan 20, 20201 min read
On Martin Luther King Day, 2020
Martin Luther King day. The news clips I see show portions of his prophetic 'I have a Dream' speech, and make him out to be a saint. I...

Jeff Nightbyrd Shero
Sep 3, 20193 min read
Rat Files: Looking Back at Woodstock
WITH ABBIE HOFFMAN — BECOMING PIRATES FOR WOODSTOCK Woodstock was the buzz. At RAT we were getting calls from underground papers around...

Jeffrey Nightbyrd Shero
Sep 4, 20175 min read
The RAT File: Kurt Vonnegut
The RAT office nested among the still Jewish and Ukrainian tenements of East 4th street. A rumpled man tentatively opened the door. At...

Jeff Nightbyrd Shero
Oct 13, 20162 min read
KUSAMA, Art and the Holes In the Universe
Kusama would bounce into the 1960s RAT office in New York with a mixture of timidity and bravado. She was years from being famous, but...

Jeff Shero Nightbyrd / Art: Spain Rodriguez
Jul 12, 20164 min read
viewpoint: Should We De-Gun the Police?
This article from www.ratundergroundnews.com This story is an updated version of the original, published in RAT Subterranean News © 1968...

Jeff Shero Nightbyrd
Jun 17, 20164 min read
Allen Ginsberg, Beatniks & the Buddha Inside
Few men are lucky enough to have mentors. Allen Ginsberg was both a mentor and friend, and one of the most influential, over 30 adults...