Bill Bentley
Jan 7, 20192 min read
Bentley's Bandstand / Haiku Reviews / Best of 2018 (Second Half)
This year once again showed the ultimate test of longevity: great music never stops. It keeps coming like the wind and the waves. So here...

Bill Bentley
Jul 20, 20181 min read
Bentley's Bandstand / Haiku Reviews: Best of 2018 (First Half)
Dave Alvin and Jimmie Dale Gilmore, Lubbock to Downey Electric dustbowls To Disneyland and beyond Two troubadours soar Nicki Bluhm, To...

Bill Bentley
May 30, 20182 min read
Bentley's Bandstand / More Haiku Reviews
With so many reissues falling from the sky, it's time to throw a batch together and try the haiku review spin on them. Whoever said...

Bill Bentley
Jan 3, 20182 min read
The Haiku Reviews / Bentley's Bandstand
The end of the year seems like a good time to collect some of the righteous reissues that have come out in the past 12 months and help...