Bill Bentley
Dec 21, 20179 min read
Bentley's Bandstand / Best Albums of 2017 (Second Half)
For whatever reason, 2017 has flown by in a blurry flurry. Likely the news oozing out of D.C. daily lends to that hyperdrive, or maybe...

the Lunch Guys
Dec 21, 20177 min read
The Lunch Guys / Sexual Abuse, Al Franken & the Desire for 'Purity'
The Lunch Guys are: L to R, Randy Alfred (editor & writer), Dan Hubig (artist), Jeffrey Klein (former editor of Mother Jones & West...

Elliott Negin
Dec 21, 20175 min read
Trump Vows To Kill 50 Years Of Federal Health And Safety Protections
President Trump wants to set the regulatory clock back to 1960, and last week he acted it out for the cameras. Wielding a pair of golden...

Bill Bentley
Dec 13, 20179 min read
Bentley's Bandstand / December 2017
Peter Bernstein, Signs LIVE! At the end of a long and discombobulating year, what could be better than a sheer blowing session by what is...

Frank Viviano
Dec 8, 20172 min read
Letter from Europe / Brexit, the Irish Dream Made Real by the Tories
I've been reading the fine print in this morning's first-phase Brexit agreement between the UK and the EU. Put simply, a road map for...

Frank Browning
Dec 7, 20174 min read
Torture, Blood & Baroque Desire
While you’ve likely never heard of him, Nicholò Regnieri was a Flemish painter who flourished in late Renaissance and Baroque Italy....